Used to remove an old file and create a new file after a specified delay. The configuration file provided the delay seconds. The task sends a notification when the file has been created.
The Task to create the file completes immediately and initiates a background task to perform the file create.
$targFile = "$($task.execLocn)/$($cfgParms['file'])"
$sleepSecs = $cfgParms['sleep']
$task.tfs.globMap.creFile = $targFile;
$msg = "creating $targFile after $sleepSecs secs"
Remove-Item -Path $targFile -force
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
start-sleep $using:sleepSecs
Set-Content -Path $using:targFile -Value $using:msg
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$Output = $wshell.Popup($using:msg)
$brief.createMsg = $msg
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