copying context values into description
The description will pick up and display the current context values for `cycleNo` and `month
function fetchJavaMain([Object]$task,[hashtable]$parms) {
return 'org.srp.psec.TestArgsPsec'
copying context values into description
The description will pick up and display the current context values for `cycleNo` and `month
function getTaskDesc([Task]$task) {
$tfs = $task.tfs;
[string]$desc = @"
This illustrates options capability of the PSEC workflow subsystem.`r`n
Current Values: cycleNo=$($tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.cycleNo) month=$($tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.month)`r`n
return $desc;
copying context values into description
The description will pick up and display the current context values for `cycleNo` and `month
Fetch classpath setup during Workflow setup.
function fetchJavaClassStr([Object]$task,[hashtable]$parms) {
$tfs = $task.tfs;
return $($tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.javaLib);
multiple option types`
input check radio combo
This runs before the *params* function and the results are passed to it.
# ---------- define task parameters
The $htOpts parms has the processed options. It can be modified or used to do
other changes to the setup.
function params([Object]$task,[hashtable]$htOpts) {
#$tfs = $task.tfs;
$date = Get-Date
[string]$dateStr = $date.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
$htOpts.datestr = $dateStr;
$htOpts.brief = "$($task.statlocn)"
return $htOpts
multiple option types`
input check radio combo
This runs before the *params* function and the results are passed to it.
# ---------- define task options
function options([Task]$task) {
$opts = @();
#$tfs = $task.tfs;
$opts += @{type='input'; parm='gen'; label='Gen'; place='number of lines to generate'; regex='^[0-9]+$'}
$opts += @{type='input'; parm='genstr'; label='GenStr'; place='string to generate'}
$opts += @{type='check'; parm='bool1'; label='Bool1'; place='turns on bool1 option when checked'}
$opts += @{type='check'; parm='boolFail'; label='BoolFail'; place='turns on boolFail option when checked'}
$opts += @{type='radio'; parm='trap'; label='Trap'; valset='*/*no trap,fail/gen FAIL,trap/gen TRAP'}
$opts += @{type='combo'; parm='combo'; label='Combo'; valset='*/*--none--,green,red/show red,blue/set blue'}
$opts += @{type='file'; parm='fileInput'; label='Input'; place='Demo File Input'}
$opts += @{type='dir'; parm='becuDir'; label='BecuDir'; place='Base becu folder'}
return ,$opts
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