PSEC - Powershell Enhanced Capability
Version 1.2.1

Task Execute for: Generate App Icons


Implemented Functions

getTaskDesc Function Meta

    function getTaskDesc([Task]$task) {
    [string]$desc       = @"
This generates the app icons.  The process starts GIMP and then the python-fu script runner
so there is radio silence for about 2 minutes depending on how many icons are generated.

"@ return $desc; }

params Function Meta

    # ---------- define task parameters
    function params([Object]$task,[hashtable]$htOpts) {
      $parms = @{};
      $parms.brief    = "$($task.statlocn)"
      $parms.str      = "create Brief"
      $parms.gen      = "5"
      $parms.genstr   = "output line from parm definition line="
      $parms.bool1    = $null
      $parms['swkey=']  = 'key-value';
      return  $parms

runScript Function Meta

    # ---------- the actual script
    function runScript([Task]$task, [hashtable]$parms, [hashtable]$status) {
      $tfs = $task.tfs;
      $gfn = $tfs.globMap.gaelGlobs.gfn;
      $locn = $task.execLocn
      $libLocn = $task.libLocn
      hlogBoth("Running gen-app-icons $($ locn $locn")

      $outStr = "locn=$locn`r`nlibLocn=$libLocn`r`ncurBase=$($gfn.curBase)`r`niconJson=$($gfn.iconJson)`r`ngaelProj=$($gfn.gaelProj)"
      hlogBoth("Setup `r`n$outStr")

      ##return "$outStr `r`n==================================gimpStr===================`r`n we are done V3"

      # See run-gen-icons.cmd" for a parameter explanation. Python, BTW, hates \ in paths it seems
      $p1 = "$($gfn.curBase)" -replace '\\','/'
      $cmd = "$($task.libLocn)/iconify-v4.ps1"
      hlogBoth("cmd $cmd")
      $creates = 0;
      $logLines = "";
      $outStr = (. $cmd "$p1" "$($gfn.iconJson)" "$($gfn.gaelProj)")
      $outlines = $outStr -split "`r"
      ##forEach($line in $outLines) {
      ##  $logLines += "$line `n"
      hlogBoth("Finished gen-app-icons $outLines")
      $gimpStr = Get-Content -path "$($task.libLocn)/runlog.gimp.txt" -raw -encoding ascii
      $gimpLines = $gimpStr -split "`n"
      $warns = 0
      $creates = 0
      forEach($line in $gimpLines) {
        if ($line -match "^created:.*/icons/(.*\.ico)") {
          $creates += 1
          #$status["icon$creates"] = "created $($matches[1])"
        if ($line -match "^warning:") {$warns += 1}
        if ($line -match "^GaelGenIcons finished") {
          $status.sCondCode = "GOOD"
      if ($warns -gt 0) {$status.warnings = "There were $warns warnings issued"}
      $status.ctlFile = "Input from:gen-icons-workorder.txt"
      $status.creates = "There were $creates icons created"
      return "$outStr `r`n==================================gimpStr===================`r`n $gimpStr"

PSEC - Powershell Enhanced Capability

Copyright © 2018-2021, 2022, Rexcel System Inc.