Main Workflow context
This is the main object of each Workflow step. It also is used to register Elem objects so they can be found by name.
There are many copies of the same Panel pattern. A naming scheme would become overly complex. The altenative, which is what is used, is to register names against the Task and have a lookup mechanism.
The Task has many pointers to other objects.
The Task type property differentiates between the type of task inplemented.
.Notes The Task is used by both the ?@Config@? and the ?@workflow@?. Consequently phase 1 of the creation of the Task object populates the linkage. Phase 2 populates the ?@GUI@? components.
Field | Format | Description |
$autoStartFlag | [elem] | - auto start flag |
$bBroken | [boolean] | errors detected that prohibit running at all |
$bDevpExpose | [boolean] | Expose WhenFail task for developer |
$bIsCurrent | [boolean] | Step s/b run next or is independant |
$bLibTask | [boolean] | Runs from library EC0516 |
$bRunFail | [boolean] | Run did not complete sucessfully |
$bRunGood | [boolean] | Run did complete sucessfully |
$bRunLapsed | [boolean] | Dependent step older that step dependent on |
$bRunLocked | [boolean] | Step cannot be run due to dependencies |
$bRunStale | [boolean] | Last run is stale |
$bShowPath | [boolean] | EC1B13 - showe Jave class path |
$bWhenShow | [boolean] | true if whenFail active and s/b shown |
$bodyDiv | [div] | EC9B29 - body panel for task |
$brief | [collections.IDictionary] | last good brief or null |
$briefTS | [int64] | write TS or 0 (unix epoch) |
$commObj | [Object] | EC8C18 - exec started Comm Obj (eg Excel) |
$custObj | [PSCustomObject] | container for above; |
$datalocn | [string] | Exec results (data) outputs |
$defLogHgt | [int32] | Log Height. Can be changed by def- script |
$defLogWid | [int32] | Log width. Can be changed by def- script |
$dependsOn | [Task[]] | Prior Tasks this one depends on |
$desc | [string] | from config. Error desc if configuration error |
$execOvrDef | [string] | EC1B13: Exec override definition file pointer for lib rtn |
$execdef | [string] | Exec definition file pointer |
$execlocn | [string] | Exec configuration and status files |
$flow | [Flow] | Owning flow |
$form | [Form] | Owning form |
$hdrDiv | [div] | EC9B29 - hdr panel for task |
$helplocn | [string] | location of help files |
$hooks | [hashtable] | elem find mechanism |
$htOpts | [hashtable] | EC9C10 - allow params task access to option settings |
$libBase | [string] | EC0517 base Lib location |
$liblocn | [string] | EC0517 Lib location of libary task |
$loglocn | [string] | Exec logfile save locn |
$manSteps | [ManStep[]] | manual steps control block |
$menuDiv | [Div] | where menu is |
$methods | [hashtable] | task defined methods |
$name | [string] | task name |
$options | [Object[]] | dynamic options |
$optlocn | [string] | location of saved options settings |
$origWinSize | [string] | EC9B29 - detect resize logic needed |
$overObj | [PSCustomObject] | override object |
$prevLogDlg | [dialog] | EC9B29 - close dlg on run |
$priorTask | [Task] | Prior Tasks (sequential, skips whenFail) |
$runTS | [int64] | timestamp of last good run or 0 |
$seq | [int16] | seq of execution |
$startAppOpts | [hashtable] | - auto start name |
$statlocn | [string] | Exec Brief file path |
$stepLabel | [string] | Menu step label |
$taskCfg | [hashtable] | task CFG nodez`z` |
$tfs | [TaskFlowStruc] | Easy access to flow global parms |
$title | [string] | from config |
$type | [TaskType] | from config |
$vbls | [hashtable] | task defined variables (strings) |
$viewTask | [ViewTask] | Placeholder class for subclass implementation |
$whenFail | [Task[]] | Only active on failure of X. X immediately preceeds X or prev has same whenFail |
find not-described
hook not-described
optFind not-described
toString not-described
[Elem] find ( [string]$name)
Parameter Format Description
$name string name to lookup
markdown text missing
[void] hook ( [elem]$elem)
Parameter Format Description
$elem elem parm description missing
markdown text missing
[Elem] optFind ( [string]$name)
Parameter Format Description
$name string name to lookup
markdown text missing
[string] toString ()
markdown text missing
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