# gui-classes.psm1 - Gui class definitions and factories
# This set of objects provide a set of classes that can drive a GUI type application.
# Note that they are contained in one file. It was attempted but became an onorous task
# to split the individual classes into separate files. Caching, loading, referencing were
# all problematic due in most part to the nature of PowerShell's overlay on top of .NET.
# History:
# EC8A01 - initial
using namespace System.Collections;
using namespace System.Management.Automation;
set-strictmode -version 2.0
.parm $peer Windows.Forms component displaying @@c.Elem contents
.parm $dgv subject DataGridView
.parm $name name to lookup
.parm $pts Points size of font
.parm $family Font family to use
.parm $em contextual mate
.parm $col color code
.parm $h height in pixels
.parm $w width in pixels
.parm $lft left margin width in pixels
.parm $rgt right margin width in pixels
.parm $top top margin width in pixels
.parm $bot bottom in pixels
**Elem** is the base object for both the @@link.area-obj and the @@link.gizmo-obj.
**Elem** is the base object for both the @@link.area-obj and the @@link.gizmo-obj. It is the wrapper for
the @@link.peer which is the @@wpf.forms/WPF:Form:Object the same name. For this reason the @@wpf.forms/WPF:Forms:namespace cannot be
`used` in this and other modules.
The `peer.tag` field points back at the **Elem** object.
Many standard methods are bound to this object. A few inspect the object they are called on behalf of
and modify their behavoir accordingly. Alternately, the standard method\'s behavoir can be changed by overriding the method in the subclass.
#### Render Modifiers ####
* **Font**
Set with the @@m.Elem-setFont.
Must be registered with
* **Color**
Set with the @@m.Elem-backColor, @@m.Elem-foreColor. See @@rgb to generate and register colors.
Set with the @x@Elem.peer.setBackColor and @x@Elem.peer.setForeColor to directly change the value
Must be registered with
#### Note on Methods ####
Many methods are are 'Chainable' in that they return the *Elem* instance. This means several methods can be used using the return value of the previous method call.
If not used or not assigned to a $vbl cast to [void] to avoid PowerShell issues of
"Cannot convert the "System.Object[]"
class Elem {
#---- properties ----
[string] $type;
[string] $name;
[boolean] $bGizmo = $false; #: Gizmo not Area if true. set $true by specific constructor.
[boolean] $bLayDirty = $false; #: rebuild layout, it is dirty. set $true when events require layout change.
[boolean] $bHorz = $false; #: Use horizontal layout. set $true by @@m.Elem-setHorz
[boolean] $bFill = $false; #: fill Gizmo to container. set $true by @@m.Elem-setFill
[boolean] $bHidden = $false; #: area not displayed. set by @@m.Elem-setHidden
[boolean] $bUseVScr = $false; #: True if to manage Vert Scroll, Set externally.
[Form] $form = $null; #: owning form. null for form itself
[Elem] $par = $null; #: immediate parent. set by constructor
[int32] $wid = 0; #: calculated width
[int32] $hgt = 0; #: calculated height
[int32] $dynX = 0;
[int32] $dynY = 0;
[int32] $biasX = 0;
[int32] $biasY = 0;
[int32] $posX = 0;
[int32] $posY = 0;
[int32] $marTop = 0; # inner margins of kids on first/last elem
[int32] $marBot = 0;
[int32] $marLft = 0;
[int32] $marRgt = 0;
[int32] $gapX = 0 # inner spacing of kids when not first last;
[int32] $gapY = 0;
[int32] $minW = 0;
[int32] $minH = 0;
[int32] $maxW = 0; #EC9B28 - scroll support
[int32] $maxH = 0;
[int32] $reqW = 0; #EC9B28 - actual required
[int32] $reqH = 0;
[int32] $dynH = 0; #EC9B28 - dynamic extra for scroll
[int32] $scrW = 0;
[int32] $absW = 0;
[int32] $absH = 0;
[int32] $adjW = 0;
[int32] $adjH = 0;
[int32] $peerW = 0; # Original peer size
[int32] $peerH = 0;
[System.Object] $peer; #: The @@link.peer we manage with this class
[Elem] $mate; # To connect elems (eg clear link for logger)
[System.Object] $tied; #: Related object (such as @@link.Task-cls
[ElemMate] $clickMate; #: onClick with context. V2 handler superceeds onClick
[ElemMate] $focusMate; #: onFocusLost with context.
[boolean] $bHaveCH; # have installed onClick handler
[boolean] $bHaveFH; # have installed onFocusLost handler
[boolean] $elemDisabled; # future
#---------- evnt handlers ------
[scriptblock] $onClick; # for clickable gizmos (Obsolete)
#---- constructors ----
#---- methods ----
Returns a summary of the *Elem* instance
[String]ToString() {
if ($this.name) {
return "$($this.type).$($this.name)[$($this.detailStr())]";
} else {
return "$($this.type)[$($this.detailStr())]";
Returns a detailed summary of the *Elem* instance
[String]detailStr() {
$g = "";
if ($this.bGizmo) {$g = "g,";}
if ($this.bHidden) {$g += "H,";}
$s = "$g"+
" xy=$($this.posX),$($this.posY)"+
" dyn=$($this.dynX),$($this.dynY)"+
" bz=$($this.biasX),$($this.biasY)"+
" gap=$($this.gapX),$($this.gapY)"+
" mar=$($this.marLft),$($this.marRgt),$($this.marTop),$($this.marBot)"+ #X Y seq
" min=$($this.minW),$($this.minH)"+
" abs=$($this.absW),$($this.absH)"+
" adj=$($this.adjW),$($this.adjH)"+
" peer=$($this.peerW),$($this.peerH)/$($this.peer.width),$($this.peer.height)";
if ($this.bGizmo) {
$s += " giz=$($this.peer.width),$($this.peer.height)"
return $s;
.parm $peer The @@wpf.forms/Form:Object
Used by a constructor to set the @@link.peer.
[void]setPeer([System.Object]$peer) {
$this.peer = $peer;
$peer.tag = $this;
if (!$this.bGizmo) {
$peer.width = $this.wid;
$peer.height= $this.hgt;
# Note: These are chainable. If not used or not assigned to a $vbl cast to [void] to avoid PowerShell issues of
# "Cannot convert the "System.Object[]"
sets the $bHorz flag to $true. See @@link.layout-alg. Chainable.
[Elem]setHorz () {$this.bHorz = $true; return $this; }
sets the $bFill flag to $true. See @@link.layout-alg. Chainable.
[Elem]setFill () {$this.bFill = $true; return $this; }
sets the left and right margins to $x. sets top and bottom mat=rigins to $y. See @@link.layout-alg. Chainable.
[Elem]setMar ([int32]$x,[int32]$y) {$this.marLft = $x; $this.marRgt = $x; $this.marTop = $y; $this.marBot = $y; return $this; }
.parm $x width in pixels.
.parm $y height in pixels.
sets the left, right, top and bottom margins. See @@link.layout-alg. Chainable.
[Elem]setMar ([int32]$lft,[int32]$rgt,[int32]$top,[int32]$bot) {$this.marLft = $lft; $this.marRgt = $rgt; $this.marTop = $top; $this.marBot = $bot; return $this;}
sets the left and right gap (padding). See @@link.layout-alg. Chainable.
[Elem]setGap ([int32]$w,[int32]$h) {$this.gapX = $w; $this.gapY = $h; return $this;}
sets the absolute width and height of the *Elem*. See @@link.layout-alg. Chainable.
[Elem]setAbs ([int32]$w,[int32]$h) {$this.absW = $w; $this.absH = $h; return $this;}
sets the background color of the *Elem*. Chainable.
[Elem]setBackColor ([string]$col) {$this.peer.BackColor = $col; return $this;}
sets the foreground (text) color of the *Elem*. Chainable.
[Elem]setForeColor ([string]$col) {$this.peer.ForeColor = $col; return $this;}
sets the name of the *Elem*. Typically used to find element using @@m.Form-findElem. Chainable.
[Elem]setName ([string]$name) {$this.name = $name; return $this;}
sets the text of the @@link.peer for the the *Elem*. Chainable.
[Elem]setText ([string]$text) {$this.peer.text = $text; return $this;}
sets the background (text) color of the *Elem* using the registered color $col. Chainable.
[Elem]backColor ([string]$col) {$this.setBackColor($this.color($col)); return $this;} ## color chart lookup
sets the foreground (text) color of the *Elem* using the registered color $col. Chainable.
[Elem]foreColor ([string]$col) {$this.setForeColor($this.color($col)); return $this;}
sets the docking flag of the *Elem*. See @@link.layout-alg. Chainable.
[Elem]dock ([string]$dock) {$this.peer.Dock = $dock; return $this;}
.parm $fontName registered font name. See
sets the font of the *Elem* using a registered font style name. See @@m.Form-regFont. Chainable.
[Elem]setFont ([string]$fontName) {$this.peer.Font = $this.font($fontName); return $this;}
.parm $hide $true to hide, $false to reveal
Hides or shows a *Elem* according to the $hide parameter. Chainable. The *Elem* still occupies space. See @@m.Elem-setHidden.
[Elem]hidePeer ([boolean]$hide) {$this.peer.visible = !($hide); return $this;}
sets the maximum height of the *Elem*. Required for scroll support. See @@link.layout-alg. Chainable.
[Elem]setMaxHgt ([int32]$h) { #EC9B28 - scroll support, EC2707 - Added screen size support
$this.maxH = $h;
if ($h -lt 0) {
$this.maxH = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::PrimaryMonitorSize.Height + $h;
return $this;
sets the maximum width of the *Elem*. Required for scroll support. See @@link.layout-alg. Chainable.
[Elem]setMaxWid ([int32]$w) { #EC9B28 - scroll support, EC2707 - Added screen size support
$this.maxW = $w;
if ($w -lt 0) {
$this.maxW = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::PrimaryMonitorSize.Width + $w;
return $this;
.parm $hide $true to hide, $false to reveal
Hides or shows a *Elem* and its @@link.peer according to the $hide parameter. Chainable. The *Elem* will not occupy space if hidden. See @@m.Elem-hidePeer.
[Elem]setHidden ([boolean]$hide) {
$this.peer.visible = !$hide;
$this.bHidden = $hide;
return $this;
.parm $disable $true to disable, $false to enable
Enables or Disables an *Elem*. Only meaningful for @@c.Gizmo. Chainable.
This is a virtual disabling and requires the GUI logic to ignore a 'disabled' element.
[Elem]setDisabled ([boolean]$disable) {
$this.elemDisabled = $disable;
return $this;
Creates an onClick handler. If $em is null it removes the handler.
The onclick handler will be passed the @@Elem and the ctx object value from the @@ElemMate
If the link is diabled the handler is not called even if this interface is called.
[Elem]clickHandler([ElemMate] $em) {
if ($em -eq $null) {
$this.clickMate = $null;
$this.bHaveCH = $false;
} else {
$this.clickMate = $em;
if (!$this.bHaveCH) { # avoid double entries
$this.bHaveCH = $true;
$peer = $this;
#hlog("clicked $peer");
$elem = $peer.tag;
if ($elem.clickMate -ne $null) {
if ($elem.elemDisabled) {return;}
[void](& $elem.clickMate.func $elem $elem.clickMate.ctx)
return $this;
Creates an onLostFocus handler. If $em is null it removes the handler.
The onLostFocus handler will be passed the @@Elem and the ctx object value from the @@ElemMate
This can be used to validate the input
[Elem]focusHandler([ElemMate] $em) {
if ($em -eq $null) {
$this.focusMate = $null;
$this.bHaveFH = $false;
} else {
$this.focusMate = $em;
if (!$this.bHaveFH) { # avoid double entries
$this.bHaveFH = $true;
$peer = $this;
#hlog("clicked $peer");
$elem = $peer.tag;
if ($elem.focusMate -ne $null) {
[void](& $elem.focusMate.func $elem $elem.focusMate.ctx)
return $this;
Register the `elem.name` using @@m.Form-regElem to be used by @@m.Form-findElem
[Elem]regName() {
return $this;
returns color registered with @@m.Form-regColor
# configurable color chart by name. Set up hashTable when creating form
[string]color([string]$name) {
if ($this.form -eq $null) {return "#FF0080"}
if ($this.form.colors[$name] -eq $null) {return "#C00000"}
return $this.form.colors[$name];
# configurable font pool by name. Set up hashTable when creating form
returns font registered with @@m.Form-regFont
[System.Drawing.Font]font([string]$name) {
if ($this.form -eq $null) {throw 'expected form ptr'}
if ($this.form.fonts[$name] -eq $null) {throw "lost font $name"}
return $this.form.fonts[$name];
Insert *Elem* address into given object *hook* field. Chainable.
This legacy method allows an event handler to access an *Elem*
[Elem]hook([Object]$obj) {
return $this;
Provide handling context for a click in a Elem
Stored in the Elem to act as router and context for a click
Supercedes the @@Elem.onClick handler mechanism as it contains both the handler and a context object.
class ElemMate {
#---- properties ----
[string] $type;
[scriptBlock] $func;
[object] $ctx;
#---- constructors ----
Create ElemMate to be used in @@Elem.clickHandler
ElemMate([string]$type,[scriptBlock]$func,[object]$ctx) {
$this.type = $type
$this.func = $func;
$this.ctx = $ctx;
if ($type -eq 'click') { #allow future uses
if ($func -eq $null) {throw "type click ElemMate requires click function"}
} elseif ($type -eq 'focus') {
if ($func -eq $null) {throw "type focus ElemMate requires validate function"}
} else {
throw "type $type not supported as ElemMate"
Areas are containers that have certain layout characteristics and contain other areas or Gizmos
The Area class implements the Windows.Forms.Panel object.
It acts as a container for other Area objects or Gizmos and contains the *layout algorithm* .
### Layout Algorithm {layout-alg} ###
The layout algorithm sets the size of outermost window @@c.Form and the size and position of all components contained within the @@c.Form. It is implemented by
the @@m.Area-layout.
The Workflow application is a heavy user of the various GUI facilities and can be referenced for working examples.
##### Layout Goal #####
It layout algorithm assumes the @@c.Form is resizable. The layout algorithm\'s goal is to determine the minimum size of the outermost window @@c.Form.
If the existing size is less than the minimum required, the height and width are set to the minimum required values.
##### Layout Calculations #####
An Area has a notion of horizontal or vertical (default) layout.
The layout calculations are controlled by the following settings.
* **Horizontal mode**
Set with the @@m.Elem-setHorz.
The width is the sum of the contained @@c.Elem widths plus margins plus gaps.
The height is the highest of the contained @@c.Elem/Elem:objects.
* **Vertical mode**
The default when the @@m.Elem-setHorz is not used.
The width of the widest of the contained @@c.Elem/Elem:objects.
The height is the sum of the contained @@c.Elem heights plus margins plus gaps.
* **Gap**
Set with the @@m.Elem-setGap.
Adds a gap (padding) between @@c.Elem/Elem:objects of the specified x and y value.
* **Margin**
Set with the @@m.Elem-setMar.
Adds a margin around @@c.Elem/Elem:objects of the specified x and y value.
* **Absolute Position**
Set with the @@m.Elem-setAbs. It prevents the spacing of elements.
Sets the absolute position of the @@c.Elem within the immediate @@c.Area.
An X or Y value of 0 means the @@c.Elem floats in the horizontal or vertical direction respectively.
An X or Y value of 1 will cause the layout algorithm to calculate the closest value without overlapping in the
horizontal or vertical direction respectively. Otherwise additional space, if any, is inserted between each
element in the container.
An X and Y value of 0 is the default value.
* **bFill**
Set with the @@m.Elem-setFill.
A value of $true will cause the components to expand themselves to fill the container in which they reside.
If there are multiple *Elems* with the *bFill* option the additional space is divided by their count so that each *bFill* component
expands by an equal amount in each direction.
* **Dock**
Set with the @@m.Elem-dock.
A value of \"right\" will cause right adjustment of the contained @@c.Elem/Elem:objects.
Other values such as \"centre\" are untested.
This is handled by the @@link.peer positioning of the underlying .NET support code.
class Area : Elem {
#---- properties ----
[ArrayList] $kids
#---- constructors ----
Area() {
$this.kids = New-Object ArrayList
#hlog("created area");
#---- methods ----
TODO - find out what thi does
[String] detailStr() {
return "$(([Elem]$this).detailStr()),k=$($this.kids.count)";
TODO - find out what thi does
[void]dump([string]$mar) {
if ($mar -eq "") {
hlog("--- dump ---- $this");
} else {
hlog("$mar area $this");
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
if ($kid.bGizmo) {
hlog("$mar gizmo $kid");
} else {
$kid.dump($mar+" ");
# find somewhere else to focus
TODO - find out what thi does
[void] addChild([Elem]$kid) {
#$p = $this.peer.size
$kid.form = $this.form; # propogate $form
$kid.par = $this;
#hlog("addChild $kid But[$($kid.peer.location),$($kid.peer.size),$($kid.peer.size)] added to $this.par")
# find somewhere else to focus
This removes the children from an @@Elem and the @@peer
This is used when a rebuild is required. All down-tree objects need to be repopulated.
[void] resetChildren() {
$this.kids = New-Object ArrayList
Implements the layout algorithm. See @@link.layout-alg.
[void]layout() {
#if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("layout $this $this.form kids=$($this.kids.count)")}
if ($this.par -eq $null) { # test outermost
if ($this.bLayDirty) { # very first time or if dirty calc minimums
$this.minW = $this.calcMinWidth();
$this.minH = $this.calcMinHeight();
$maxWinW = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::PrimaryMonitorSize.Width
$maxWinH = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::PrimaryMonitorSize.Height
hlog("layout.form {0} {1} minWH={2},{3} scrnWH={4},{5} maxWH={6},{7}" -f $this,$this.bLayDirty,$this.minW,$this.minH,$maxWinW,$maxWinH,$this.maxW,$this.maxH);
#if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("layout.mins {0},{1}" -f $this.minW,$this.minH)}
if (($maxWinH -gt $this.maxH) -and ($this.maxH -ne 0) -and ($this.minH -ge $this.maxH)) {
hlogBoth("jam dialogue size $maxWinH $($this.peer.height)");
$this.peer.height = $this.maxH;
#$this.bUseVscr = $true;
} else {
$this.peer.height = $this.minH;
if (($this.hgt -ne 0) -and ($this.hgt -gt $this.minH)) {
$this.peer.height = $this.hgt;
$size = $this.peer.clientSize;
hlog("layout.form2 clientWH={0},{1} sz={2}" -f $size.width,$size.height,$size);
$size = $this.peer.clientSize;
hlog("layout.form3 clientWH={0},{1} sz={2}" -f $size.width,$size.height,$size);
$this.bLayDirty = $false;
#if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("layout.done {0} k={1}" -f "xxx" , $this.kids.count)}
} else { # allow recalc of subsection
#TODO - readjust panel sizes so background works
$this.minW = $this.calcMinWidth();
$this.minH = $this.calcMinHeight();
$size = $this.peer.clientSize;
if (($this.form.layoutExit -ne $null) -and (!($this.form.layoutExitBusy))) {
$this.form.layoutExitBusy = $true;
[void](& $this.form.layoutExit $this);
$this.form.layoutExitBusy = $false;
TODO - find out what thi does
[void]adjustFormAreas([Form]$form,[int32]$maxW,[int32]$maxH,[boolean]$bNoJam) {
$totW = $this.marLft + $this.marRgt;
$totH = $this.marTop + $this.marBot;
<#if ($this.form.bDebLayout)#>{hlog("adjustFormAreas $($this.name) $($this.type) max=$maxW,$maxH tots=$totW,$totH peer=$($this.peer.width),$($this.peer.height)")};
$absCntW = 0;
$absCntH = 0;
$formW = 0
$formH = 0
$ix = -1;
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
if ($Kid.bGizmo -and !$kid.bFill) {continue;}
if ($Kid.bHidden) {continue;}
if ($Kid.type -eq 'pane') {continue;}
$ix += 1;
if ($this.bHorz) {
$totW += $kid.minW;
if ($kid.absW -eq 0) {$absCntW += 1;}
if ($ix -eq 0) {
$totH += $kid.minH;
} else {
$totW += $this.gapX;
if (($absCntH -eq 0) -and ($kid.absH -eq 0)) {$absCntH += 1;}
} else {
$totH += $kid.minH;
if ($kid.absH -eq 0) {$absCntH += 1;}
if ($ix -eq 0) {
$totW += $kid.minW;
if ($kid.absW -eq 0) {$absCntW += 1;}
} else {
$totH += $this.gapY;
if (($absCntW -eq 0) -and ($kid.absW -eq 0)) {$absCntW += 1;}
if ($form -ne $null) { # Root form
$formW = $form.peer.width;
$formH = $form.peer.height;
$origW = $formW
$origH = $formH
$size = $this.peer.clientSize;
if (($totW -gt $size.width) -and ($this.maxW -eq 0)) { # determine minimums and re-adjust
$formW = ($formW - $size.width) + $totW;
if (($totH -gt $size.height) -and ($this.maxH -eq 0)) {
$formH = ($formH - $size.height) + $totH;
if (($totH -gt $size.height) -and ($this.maxH -ne 0)) {
#$this.peer.scrollBars = "Vertical";
$this.peer.AutoScroll = $true;
if (($formW -ne $origW) -or ($formH -ne $origH)) {
if ($bNoJam) {
hlog("bNoJam set. skipped jam minimum $($this.peer) $($this.peer.size) orig=$origW $origH t=$totW $totH");
} else {
$this.peer.size = "$($formW),$($formH)";
$size = $this.peer.clientSize;
hlog("jam minimum $($this.peer) $($this.peer.size) orig=$origW $origH t=$totW $totH");
$maxW = $formW;
$maxH = $formH;
} else {
$size = @{width=$maxW - 5;height=$maxH - 5} # EC9209 - -5 needed to balance appearance
if ($size.width -lt 0) {$size.width = 0}
if ($size.height -lt 0) {$size.height = 0}
if ($this.type -eq "panel") {$this.peer.size = "$($size.width),$($size.height)"}
#$this.peer.size = "$($size.width),$($size.height)"; #EC2519
$adjW = 0;
$adjH = 0;
if ($absCntW -gt 0) {
$adjW = ([float]($size.width - $totW)) / $absCntW;
if ($adjW -lt 0) {$adjW = 0}
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
if ($Kid.bHidden) {continue;}
if ($kid.absW -eq 0) {
$kid.adjW = $adjW;
if (($absCntH -gt 0) -and $false) { ## EC0103 TODO - there is a glitch here
$adjH = ([float]($size.height - $totH)) / $absCntH;
if ($adjH -lt 0) {$adjH = 0}
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
if ($Kid.bHidden) {continue;}
if ($kid.absH -eq 0) {
$kid.adjH = $adjH;
$biasW = 0
$biasH = 0
if (!$this.bUseVScr) {
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
if ($Kid.bGizmo -and !$kid.bFill) {continue;}
if ($Kid.bHidden) {continue;}
$kid.biasX = 0;
$kid.biasY = 0;
if ($this.bHorz) {
$kid.biasX += $biasW;
$biasW += $kid.adjW;
} else {
$kid.biasY += $biasH;
$biasH += $kid.adjH;
#if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("adjustFormAreas $totW $absCntW $totH $absCntH $formW,$formH $size $adjW $adjH")}
if (!$this.bUseVScr) {
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
if (!$kid.bGizmo -and !$kid.bHidden) {
#if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("adjustKid $($kid.name) $($kid.minW + $kid.adjW + $kid.biasX) $($kid.minH + $kid.adjH + $kid.biasY)")}
$kid.adjustFormAreas($null,$kid.minW + $kid.adjW + $kid.biasX,$kid.minH + $kid.adjH + $kid.biasY,$true);
if ($kid.bGizmo -and $kid.bFill -and ($kid.type -eq "richarea")) { #EC2629
hlog("fixGixmoFill sz=$($kid.peer.size) before")
##tre{$kid.peer.size = "$($kid.minW + $kid.adjW + $kid.biasX),$($kid.minH + $kid.adjH + $kid.biasY )"}
$kid.peer.RTF = $kid.peer.RTF;
hlog("fixGixmoFill sz=$($kid.peer.size) after")
TODO - find out what thi does
[int32]calcMinWidth() {
$minW = 10;
$ix = -1;
$firstIX = -1;
$lastIX = -1;
if ($this.form.bLayDirty) {$this.minW = 0; $this.minH = 0;}
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
$ix += 1;
if ($kid.form.bLayDirty) {$kid.minW = 0; $kid.minH = 0;}
if ($kid.bHidden) {continue}
if ($firstIX -eq -1) {$firstIX = $ix};
$lastIX = $ix;
$ix = -1;
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
$ix += 1;
if ($kid.bHidden) {continue}
$first = $false;
$last = $false;
if ($ix -eq $firstIX) {$first = $true;}
if ($ix -eq $lastIX) {$last = $true;}
if ($kid.bGizmo) {
$min = $kid.minW = $kid.getGizmoWidth()
} else {
$min = $kid.minW = $kid.calcMinWidth();
if (!$this.bHorz) {
$min += $this.marLft + $this.marRgt
if ($min -gt $minW) {$minW = $min};
} else {
if ($first) {$minW = $this.marLft;}
if ($last) {$minW += $this.marRgt;}
if (!$first) {$minW += $this.gapX;}
$minW += $min;
#if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("calcMinWidth.loop hz=$($this.bHorz) $ix $first $last $minW $min $this")}
if (!$this.bHorz) {
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
if ($Kid.bHidden) {continue;}
if (!$kid.bGizmo -and ($kid.minW -lt $minW)) {$kid.minW = $minW}
if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("calcMinWidth $minW $this")}
return $minW;
TODO - find out what thi does
[int32]calcMinHeight() {
$minH = 10;
$ix = -1;
$firstIX = -1;
$lastIX = -1;
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
$ix += 1;
if ($kid.bHidden) {continue}
if ($firstIX -eq -1) {$firstIX = $ix};
$lastIX = $ix;
$ix = -1;
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
$ix += 1;
if ($Kid.bHidden) {continue;}
$first = $false;
$last = $false;
if ($ix -eq $firstIX) {$first = $true;}
if ($ix -eq $lastIX) {$last = $true;}
if ($kid.bGizmo) {
#if ($kid.peerH -eq 0) {$kid.peerH = $kid.peer.height}
#$min = $kid.minH = $kid.peerH;
$min = $kid.minH = $kid.reqH = $kid.getGizmoHeight()
} else {
$min = $kid.minH = $kid.reqH = $kid.calcMinHeight();
if ($kid.bUseVScr) {
hlog("testVertScroll min=$min maxH=$($kid.maxH) reqH=$($kid.reqH)");
if (($kid.maxH -gt 0)-and ($min -gt $kid.maxH)) {
$kid.dynH = $min - $kid.maxH;
hlog("activateScroll min=$min maxH=$($kid.maxH) reqH=$($kid.reqH) dynH=$($kid.dynH)");
$min = $kid.minH = $kid.maxH;
$kid.peer.AutoScroll = $false;
$kid.peer.AutoScrollMinSize = "0,$($kid.reqH + 1000)"
$kid.peer.HorizontalScroll.Enabled = $false;
$kid.peer.HorizontalScroll.Visible = $false;
$kid.peer.HorizontalScroll.Maximum = 0;
$kid.scrW = 0;
$kid.peer.AutoScroll = $true;
} else {
$kid.dynH = 0;
hlog("de-activateScroll min=$min maxH=$($kid.maxH) reqH=$($kid.reqH)");
$kid.scrW = 0;
$kid.peer.AutoScrollMinSize = "0,0"
$kid.peer.AutoScroll = $false;
$kid.scrW = 0;
if ($this.bHorz) {
$min += $this.marTop + $this.marBot
if ($min -gt $minH) {$minH = $min};
} else {
if ($first) {$minH = $this.marTop;}
if ($last) {$minH += $this.marBot + 5;}
if (!$first) {$minH += $this.gapY;}
$minH += $min;
if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("calcMinHeight.loop hz=$($this.bHorz) ix=$ix F=$first L=$last m=$min mH=$minH $this")}
if ($this.absH -gt $minH) {$minH = $this.absH};
if ($this.bHorz) {
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
if ($Kid.bHidden) {continue;}
if (!$kid.bGizmo -and ($kid.minH -lt $minH)) {$kid.minH = $minH - $this.marTop - $this.marBot - 5}
if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("calcMinHeight hz=$($this.bHorz) $($this.getType()) gz=$($this.bGizmo) minh=$minH $this")}
return $minH;
TODO - find out what thi does
[void]calcElemPositions() {
##if ($this.name -eq "top3r") {$this.minH = 38;}
if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("calcElemPositions $this")}
$posX = $this.marLft;
$posY = $this.marTop;
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
if ($Kid.bHidden) {continue;}
if (!$kid.bGizmo) {$kid.calcElemPositions();}
$kid.dynX = $posX
$kid.dynY = $posY
if ($this.bHorz) {
$posX += $this.gapX + $kid.minW
} else {
$posY += $this.gapY + $kid.minH
if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("positioned $this")}
TODO - find out what thi does
[void]setElemPositions() {
forEach($kid in $this.kids) {
if ($Kid.bHidden) {continue;}
if ($this.bUseVScr) {
hlog("VscrPanel: name=$($kid.name) dyn=$($kid.dynX),$($kid.dynY) bias=$($kid.biasX),$($kid.biasY) sz=$($kid.minW),$($kid.minH) adj=$($kid.adjW),$($kid.adjH)")
} else {
hlog("HscrPanel: name=$($kid.name) dyn=$($kid.dynX),$($kid.dynY) bias=$($kid.biasX),$($kid.biasY) sz=$($kid.minW),$($kid.minH) adj=$($kid.adjW),$($kid.adjH)")
$kid.peer.location = "$($kid.dynX + $kid.biasX),$($kid.dynY + $kid.biasY)"
$kid.peer.size = "$($kid.minW + $kid.adjW),$($kid.minH + $kid.adjH)"
if (!$kid.bGizmo) {$kid.setElemPositions();}
if ($this.form.bDebLayout){hlog("setElemPositions $($this.getType()) $($this.bGizmo) $($this.name) peer=$($this.peer.width),$($this.peer.height) $this")}
# ---
Gizmos represent the lowest level control such as a Button
Gizmos represent the lowest level control such as a Button. They contain no other Elem.
They can be hidden or disabled.
class Gizmo : Elem {
#---- properties ----
#---- constructors ----
Gizmo() {
$this.bGizmo = $true;
#---- methods ----
This calculates the width of the Gizmo. It can be overidden by particular
gizmos (such as @@TextBox) when adjustments have to be made based on the @@peer
implementation characteristics.
[int32]getGizmoWidth() {
$gizmo = $this;
$peer = $gizmo.peer;
if ($gizmo.peerW -eq 0) {
$gizmo.peerW = $peer.width;
return $gizmo.peerW;
} else {
return $gizmo.peerW;
This calculates the height of the Gizmo. It can be overidden by particular
gizmos (such as @@TextBox) when adjustments have to be made based on the @@peer
implementation characteristics.
[int32]getGizmoHeight() {
$gizmo = $this;
$peer = $gizmo.peer;
hlog("gizmo.hgt.what /$($gizmo.getType())/ $($gizmo.peerH)");
if ("$($gizmo.getType())" -eq "Label") {
hlog("gizmo.hgt.label /$($gizmo.getType())/ $($gizmo.peerH)");
if ($gizmo.peerH -eq 0) {
$gizmo.peerH = $peer.height + 30;
if ($gizmo.peerH -eq 0) {
$gizmo.peerH = $peer.height;
hlog("gizmo.hgt.def $($gizmo.getType()) $($gizmo.peerH)");
return $gizmo.peerH;
} else {
hlog("gizmo.hgt.set $($gizmo.getType()) $($gizmo.peerH)");
return $gizmo.peerH;
# --- Form - the outer window
Implementation of Windows.Forms.Form.
The form is the global object used to hang things off of since every
Elem has a pointer to the form.
It is extended to add custom objects. See x.
class Form : Area {
#---- properties ----
[object] $appJob; # Owning Object (such as JobDesc) or $null
[object] $custObj; # Custon owning object
[string] $title; # Value shown in outer window caption
[hashtable] $cfg; # Related config
[scriptBlock] $onClose; # Script to execute on closing
[ScriptBlock] $confirmClose; # Script to execute before closing. return true to close, false to cancel close.
[scriptBlock] $layoutExit; # execute after layout performed
[scriptBlock] $resizeExit; # EC9B29 - resize exit
[scriptBlock] $openExit; # EC2701 - used to perform processing after form is visible
[string] $exitCmdSeq; # Actual exit str (copy of $exitCharStr, timing issue means above is not reliable)
[string] $exitCharSeq; # if we used k/b to exit, set flags. as below
[string] $exitRestartSeq; # What we look for. Default // Restart GUI and classes with exit code 901
[string] $exitExitSeq; # What we look for. Default .. Exit GUI.
[boolean] $layoutExitBusy; # prevents recursion if exit dinks with sizes and causes new
[boolean] $bNoJam; # EC9B30 - resize exit. Do not ajust form size
[object] $ctx; # context for confirmClose
[hashtable] $colors; # Registered RBG colors
[hashtable] $fonts; # Registered named fonts
[hashtable] $icons; # Registered named Icons
[hashtable] $dialogs; # Dialogs attached to Form
[hashtable] $elems; # Elems contained in form
[hashtable] $appGbl; # application wide globals such as base folder
[Windows.Forms.ToolTip] $toolTip; # Tool tips attached to Form
[object] $gridList; # Registered Grids
[object] $appRoot; # app specific root object
[boolean] $bDebLayout; # on if layout debug
[boolean] $bRestartGUI; # EC2520 - on if to restart GUI after closing
#---- constructors ----
Constructs standard Form object
The width and height are the starting dimensions. The default window can be resized.
The title string is shown as the title on the Windows window representing the form.
.parm $title string shown in title section of external window
.parm $wid starting width
.parm $wid starting height
Form([System.Object]$peer,[string]$title,[int32]$wid,[int32]$hgt) {
$this.type = 'form'
$this.wid = $wid;
$this.hgt = $hgt;
$this.title = $title;
$this.bLayDirty = $true;
$this.colors = @{}
$this.fonts = @{}
$this.icons = @{}
$this.elems = @{}
$this.appgbl = @{}
$this.toolTip = new-object Windows.Forms.ToolTip
$this.exitRestartSeq = "//";
$this.exitExitSeq = "..";
#---- methods ----
.ffunc Form
The @@Form created is the topmost window of the GUI interface
The optional $cfg parm provides a hashtable where configration information such as window sizes is stored. This is used in rebuilding the window. See @@formCfg.
The optional $closeCallBack parm provides a script or function that is called when the window is about to close. See @@formClose.
The optional $form parm provides a means whereby a Form can be extendeds with additional fields or behavoirs. see @@formExtend.
.optp $cfg Configuration file
.optp $closeCallBack Function/script to call when @@Form closes
.optp $Form Existing extended @@Form to use as parent
static [Form] createForm([object]$appJob,[hashtable]$cfg,[scriptBlock] $closeCallBack,[Form]$form) {
# $form -ne $null for extended Form class
if ($null -ne $form) {
#extending form
$elem = $form;
} else {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form
$elem = [Form]::new($peer, 'main', $cfg.winsize.formW, $cfg.winsize.formH);
if (exists $cfg.winsize title) {
$peer.text = $cfg.winsize.title
$elem.appJob = $appJob;
if ($appJob -ne $null) {
$appJob.form = $elem;
$elem.cfg = $cfg;
$elem.onClose = $closeCallBack;
$elem.peer.StartPosition = "CenterScreen";
$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Font";
$elem.form = $elem;
[void]$elem.setGap(15, 15);
$form = $this.tag;
if ($form.resizeExit -ne $null) {
& $form.resizeExit $form $form.ctx
# this has the desired effect of flushing hlog functions. If we are looking at the dlog output
# in an editor then the editor will see the most current lines when we switch to it.
hlogBoth("form $this is deactivated")
hlogBoth("form $this is opened")
$form = $this.tag;
if ($form.openExit -ne $null) {
& $form.openExit $form $form.ctx
$evt = $_
$form = $this.tag;
if ($form.confirmClose -ne $null) {
if (!(& $form.confirmClose $form $form.ctx)) {
$evt.cancel = $true;
if ((exists $form appJob) -and (exists $form.appJob guiAppExitCmd)) {
$str = "$($form.appJob.guiAppExitCmd).$($form.appJob.guiAppExitCmd)"
} else {
$str = "form $($form.peer.text) is closing"
hlog("form $form is closing termStr=$str")
if ($form.onClose -ne $null) {
hlog("form issue onClose");
& $form.onClose $form.exitCharSeq
if ($form.dialogs -ne $null) {
forEach($k in $form.dialogs.keys) {
[Dialog]$dlg = $form.dialogs[$k]
hlog("forceClose of $k $dlg");
$dlg.forceClose = $true;
# we do this here to t/off the grid selection. Seems like it has to be done after the form is shown.
hlog("form shown $($this.tag)");
$form = $this.tag;
if ($form.gridList -ne $null) {
forEach($dgv in $form.gridList) {
##hlog("clear $dgv");
$dgv.CurrentCell = $null;
hlog("created $($elem) w=$($cfg.winsize.formW),h=$($cfg.winsize.formH) $(easyType($closeCallBack))");
return $elem;
shows the form
This shows the form and freezes the Powershell console window. @@hlog messages
and its varients are still displayed.
A keyboard listener is installed so that the keyboard can be used to close the window.
The following keyboard sequences have meaning. All others are ignored but forwarded to controls that accept keyboard input.
* \.\. Terminate and restart GUI window. Used if script is changed
* // Terminate and restart GUI driver and then GUI window. Used if underlying GUI is changed. Implies things were started with the @@New
* \./ Just terminate with no restart
Refer to @@GuiRestart for more details.
[void] showForm() {
if ($this.appJob -ne $null) {
$this.appJob.guiAppExitCmd = $null; # reset
hlog("--- show form $this");
$this.peer.add_KeyPress({ # Fast Exit. TODO - make config driven
$form = $this.tag;
$e = $_;
hlog("keyPress.form $e $($e.KeyChar) $($form.exitCharSeq)"); # $($e.getType())");
if (($form.exitCharSeq -eq $form.exitExitSeq.substring(0,1)) -and ($e.KeyChar -eq $form.exitExitSeq.substring(1,1))) {
$form.exitCharSeq += $e.KeyChar;
$form.exitCmdSeq = $form.exitCharSeq;
$form.peer.close(); # fast exit via k/b, stop GUI
if (($form.exitCharSeq -eq $form.exitRestartSeq.substring(0,1)) -and ($e.KeyChar -eq $form.exitRestartSeq.substring(1,1))) {
$form.exitCharSeq += $e.KeyChar;
$form.exitCmdSeq = $form.exitCharSeq;
$form.peer.close(); # fast exit via k/b, flag for GUI restart
$form.exitCharSeq = $e.KeyChar;
$this.peer.KeyPreview = $true;
Register Elem using the Elem.name property
[void] regElem([Elem]$elem) {
Register Elem using the $name parameter as the name
[void] regElem([Elem]$elem,[string]$name) {
hlog("--- register elem $elem as $name");
if ($this.elems[$name] -ne $null) {throw "duplicate elem name $name for $elem"}
$this.elems[$name] = $elem
Find the registered Elem using the $name parameter as the search argument
Throws an error if not found
[Elem]findElem([string]$name) {
if ($this.elems[$name] -eq $null) {throw "lost elem $name"}
return $this.elems[$name];
Find the registered Elem using the $name parameter as the search argument
Returns $null if not found
[Elem]findElemOpt([string]$name) {
if ($this.elems[$name] -eq $null) {return $null}
return $this.elems[$name];
Register a Dialog as being open
This is used so that open dialogs are automatically closed when the
parent window is closed. Failure to do this causes orphan windows that tangles up
the Windows OS.
This is automatically called by the Dialog create factory function.
[void] regDialog([Dialog]$dlg) {
hlog("--- register dialog $($dlg.hash) $dlg");
if ($this.dialogs -eq $null) {$this.dialogs = @{};}
$this.dialogs[$dlg.hash] = $dlg
Remove a Dialog for the registry
Automatically called by the standard Dialog close function
[void] remDialog([Dialog]$dlg) {
hlog("--- remove dialog $($dlg.hash) $dlg");
if ($this.dialogs -eq $null) {return;}
if ($this.dialogs[$dlg.hash] -ne $null) {$this.dialogs.remove($dlg.hash)}
Resizes the current window
This is called internally when the user resizes the Form window (typically with the mouse).
This triggers the Form layout method to be called
[void] resize() {
$p = $this.peer.size
$this.wid = $p.width;
$this.hgt = $p.height;
if ($this.cfg -ne $null) {
if (notExists $this.cfg winsize) {$this.cfg.winsize = @{};}
#hlog("resize cfg $($this.cfg.formW) $($this.cfg.formH)")
$this.cfg.winsize.formW = $this.wid;
$this.cfg.winsize.formH = $this.hgt;
hlog("resize $($p.width) $($p.height)")
$size = $this.peer.ClientSize;
$this.bNoJam = $false;
Log a message to the Logger window of the form, if it exists
.parm $msg the message
.parm $col the color (default black)
The specified color sometimes has difficulty \'taking\', especially in the early stages of the windows creation or after clearing the logging window
using the \"Clear Log\" link
[void]log([string]$msg,[string]$col) {
$logger = $this.findElemOpt("LOGGER");
if ($logger -eq $null) {return};
$logger.peer.SelectionColor = $col;
$logger.peer.SelectionColor = "black";
Log a black message to the Logger window of the form, if it exists
[void]log([string]$msg) {$this.log($msg,"Black");}
Log a green message to the Logger window of the form, if it exists
[void]logGood([string]$msg) {$this.log($msg,"Green");}
Log a red message to the Logger window of the form, if it exists
[void]logFlag([string]$msg) {$this.log($msg,"Red");}
Log an orange message to the Logger window of the form, if it exists
[void]logWarn([string]$msg) {$this.log($msg,"Orange");}
Register a color by name
.parm $name the name to register under
.parm $r red component of RGB value
.parm $g green component of RGB value
.parm $b blue component of RGB value
[void]regColor([string]$name,[int]$r,[int]$g,[int]$b) {
$rgb = $this.rgb($r,$g,$b);
if ($this.colors[$name] -ne $null) {$this.logWarn("Color $name being replaced by $rgb");}
$this.colors[$name] = $rgb;
Find a color by name. Used internally by backColor and foreColor methods.
[string]findColor([string]$name) {
return $this.colors[$name]
Register a font by name
[void]regFont([string]$name,[Drawing.Font] $font) {
if ($this.fonts[$name] -ne $null) {$this.logWarn("Font $name being replaced by $font");}
$this.fonts[$name] = $font;
Register an Icon (image) by name
[void]regIcon([string]$name,[Drawing.BitMap] $icon) {
hlog("regIcon $name $($icon.getType())");
if ($this.icons[$name] -ne $null) {$this.logWarn("Icon $name being replaced");}
$this.icons[$name] = $icon;
Calculate the color value using RGB values
.parm $red red component of RGB value
.parm $green green component of RGB value
.parm $blue blue component of RGB value
[string] rgb([int]$red,[int]$green,[int]$blue) {
$rgb = [long] ($blue + ($green * 256) + ($red * 65536))
$hex = "{0:x6}" -f $rgb
return "#$hex"
Create a font of the specified Points using the font family \"Microsoft Sans Serif\"
[System.Drawing.Font] getFont([int]$pts) {
return $this.getFont($pts,"Microsoft Sans Serif");
Create a font of the specfied Points using the specified font family
[System.Drawing.Font] getFont([int]$pts,[string]$family) {
return New-Object System.Drawing.Font($family,$pts,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Regular);
Create a bolded font of the specified Points using the font family \"Microsoft Sans Serif\"
[System.Drawing.Font] getBoldFont([int]$pts) {
return $this.getBoldFont($pts,"Microsoft Sans Serif");
Create a bolded font of the specfied Points using the specified font family
[System.Drawing.Font] getBoldFont([int]$pts,[string]$family) {
return New-Object System.Drawing.Font($family,$pts,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold);
Create a fixed-font of the specified Points using the font family \"Lucida Console\"
[System.Drawing.Font] getFixedFont([int]$pts) {
return $this.getFont($pts,"Lucida Console");
Register a Grid on the Form
Timing issues exist with Grids and focus. Registering the Grid allows for race conditions
to be circumvented and the \'non-focus\' of a grid cell to be more reliable.
[void] addGridList([Windows.Forms.DataGridView]$dgv) {
if ($this.gridList -eq $null) {$this.gridList = @();}
$this.gridList += $dgv;
#---- methods ----
Sets or removes confirmClose property
[Form]setConfirmClose([object]$ctx,[ScriptBlock]$confirmClose) {
$this.confirmClose = $confirmClose;
$this.ctx = $ctx;
return $this;
# --- Dialog - the outer window
Dialog (popup Window) implemented with Windows.Form.Form
powershell (popup Window) implemented with Windows.Form.Form and shown with the
showForm() method.
They are hung of the primary form so that when the Primary form is closed they also are closed. This
prevents orphans which causes Windows OS extreme grief.
class Dialog : Form {
#---- properties ----
[Form]$parForm # parent form for proper cleanup
[string]$hash # unique id
[boolean]$forceClose = $false; # true if force close by parent form
[string]$exitStr # set to allow treatment as result code
#---- constructors ----
TODO - find out what thi does
Dialog([Form]$form,[System.Object]$peer,[string]$title,[int32]$wid,[int32]$hgt) : base($peer,$title,$wid,$hgt) {
$this.type = 'dialog'
$this.parForm = $form
$this.peer.text = $title;
$now = [DateTime]::now.toBinary();
$this.hash = "hash$now"
#---- methods ----
static [Dialog] createDialog([Form]$form,[int]$w,[int]$h,[string]$iconName,[string]$title,[boolean]$noCanSave) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form
$elem = [Dialog]::new($form,$peer,$title, $W, $H);
$elem.appRoot = $form.appRoot;
$elem.appJob = $form.appJob;
$elem.peer.StartPosition = "CenterScreen";
$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Font";
$elem.form = $elem;
if ($iconName -eq $null) {
##$icon = new-object System.drawing.icon "$($CVT.psecBase)\scr\imgs\psec-err.ico";
$icon = $null;
} else {
$icon = getGuiIcon($iconName);
$peer.icon = $icon;
$evt = $_
$dlg = $this.tag;
hlog("dialog close fc=$($dlg.forceClose) closing of form ($evt)")
if (!$dlg.forceClose) {
if ($dlg.confirmClose -ne $null) {
if (!(& $dlg.confirmClose $dlg $dlg.ctx)) {
$evt.cancel = $true;
if ($dlg.onClose -ne $null) {
(& $dlg.onClose $dlg.form.exitStr);
hlog("created Dialog $($elem) w=$w,h=$h");
return $elem;
static [Dialog] makeCommonDialog([Form]$form,[int]$w,[int]$h,[string]$icon,[string]$title,[boolean]$noCanSave) {
[dialog]$dlg = [Dialog]::createDialog($form,$w,$h,$icon,$title,$noCanSave)
$dlg.peer.MaximizeBox = $false
$dlg.peer.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedDialog'
return $dlg
# --- Panel - a visible container
A Panel implementation with visible borders.
The Panel object is used to paint areas of the screen. It has borders and represents something that
delineates partitions of the screen.
class Panel : Area {
#---- properties ----
[string] $style = 'Fixed3D'
#---- constructors ----
Panel() {}
Panel([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'panel'
#---- methods ----
static [Panel] createPanel([Area]$par,[string]$name) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.Panel
$peer.Size = "40,50"
$peer.BorderStyle = 'Fixed3D'
$peer.BackColor = "white"
$elem = [Panel]::new($peer,$par);
$elem.peer.AutoSizeMode = "GrowAndShrink";
$elem.name = $name
return $elem
static [Panel] createLogger([Form]$form,[string] $name,[int32]$hgt) {
$log = ([Panel]::createPanel($form,$name)).setMar(0,0).setGap(0,0);
$menu = ([Div]::createDiv($log,'menu')).setBackColor("lightgray").setAbs(0,1).setHorz();
$lnk = ([Link]::createLink($menu,'clear log'))
$lab = ([Label]::createLabel($menu," ")); #margin
$chk = ([CheckBox]::createCheckBox($menu,$null,$null,"Keep Log Windows")); #borrow the space
$lines = ([Div]::createDiv($log,'lines')).setAbs(0,$hgt)
#$lines.peer.height = 140; #Dock = "Fill"
$lb = ([LogBox]::createLogBox($lines,$null)).setBackColor("white")
$lb.peer.size = "400,$($hgt)"
$lb.peer.Dock = "Fill"
$lb.peer.ScrollBars = "Vertical";
$lnk.mate = $lb;
$elem = $this.tag;
$elem.mate.peer.text = "";
return $log;
# --- TabPanel - a visible container with multiple Panel contents
Tabbed Panel implementation
Multiple named panels are added via the AddTabPanel method. All are hidden except the first.
The switchPanel method is used to switch between the named panels. An exi5t is optionally called when the new Panel is displayed.
class TabPanel : Panel {
#---- properties ----
[Panel] $curPanel = $null;
[hashtable] $panels = $null;
[scriptblock] $switchExit = $null;
#---- constructors ----
TODO - find out what thi does
TabPanel([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'tabpanel'
#---- methods ----
static [TabPanel] createTabPanel([Area]$par,[string]$name) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.Panel
$peer.Size = "40,50"
$peer.BorderStyle = 'Fixed3D'
$peer.BackColor = "white"
$elem = [TabPanel]::new($peer,$par);
$elem.name = $name
$elem.peer.AutoSizeMode = "GrowAndShrink";
return $elem
Remove TabPanel panels (but not children)
[void]resetTabPanel() {
$this.panels = @{};
if ($this.curPanel -ne $null) {
$this.curPanel.bHidden = $true;
$this.curPanel.peer.visible = $false;
$this.curPanel = $null;
TODO - find out what thi does
[void]addTabPanel([Panel]$panel) {
TODO - find out what thi does
[void]addTabPanel([Panel]$panel,[string]$tabName) {
if ($this.panels -eq $null) {$this.panels = @{};}
if ($this.panels[$tabName] -ne $null) {throw "duplicate TabPanel child-panel name=$tabName)"}
$this.panels[$tabName] = $panel
if ($this.curPanel -eq $null) {
$this.curPanel = $panel;
$panel.bHidden = $false;
$panel.peer.visible = $true;
} else {
$panel.bHidden = $true;
$panel.peer.visible = $false;
TODO - find out what thi does
[void] switchPanel([string]$name) {
if ($this.panels[$name] -eq $null) {throw "missing TabPanel child-panel name=$name"}
if ($this.curPanel -ne $null) {
$task = $this.curPanel.tied
if ($task -ne $null) {
$this.curPanel = $this.panels[$name];
$this.form.bLayDirty = $true;
$this.form.logGood("switched to panel $name");
if ($this.switchExit -ne $null) {
& $this.switchExit $this $this.curPanel
[Panel]findPanelByName([string]$panelName) {
return $this.panels[$panelName];
Replace the named panel with a new panel and make it the current panel.
[void]replacePanelByName([Panel]$panel,[string]$tabName) {
$this.panels[$tabName] = $panel;
if ($this.curPanel -ne $null) {
$this.curPanel.bHidden = $true;
$this.curPanel.peer.visible = $false;
$this.curPanel = $panel;
$panel.bHidden = $false;
$panel.peer.visible = $true;
# --- Div - a visible container, no border
Borderless panel
Used to organize Areas and Gizmos with no visible partitions.
DIVs have a defualt of 5 pixcels for the margin and gap. In nested situations
setting these values to 0 might clear up alignment problems.
class Div : Area {
#---- properties ----
[string] $style = '$null'
#---- constructors ----
Div([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'div'
#---- methods ----
static [Div] createDiv([Area]$par,[string]$name) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.Panel
$peer.Size = "40,50"
$peer.BackColor = "white"
$elem = [Div]::new($peer,$par);
$elem.name = $name
$elem.peer.AutoSizeMode = "GrowAndShrink";
return $elem
# --- Pane - a visible container, no border
A visible container that does not take part in the layout calculations.
Used to create a Floating area that can be positioned independantly of its container.
The `posPane` hook is called at the end of layout processing. The can be used to position the
area (and its children relative to its parent).
class Pane : Area {
#---- properties ----
[string] $style = '$null'
#---- constructors ----
Pane([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'pane'
#---- methods ----
static [Pane] createPane([Area]$par,[string]$name) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.Panel
$peer.Size = "40,50"
$peer.BackColor = "white"
$elem = [Pane]::new($peer,$par);
$elem.peer.AutoSizeMode = "GrowAndShrink";
$elem.name = $name
return $elem
[void] posPane() {
hlog("position pane");
# ------------------------ Gizmos ------------------
Button Gizmo
class Button : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
#[string] $style = 'Fixed3D'
#---- constructors ----
Button([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
#hlog("creating button $($peer.text)");
$peer.BackColor = "Lightgray"
$this.type = 'button'
#---- methods ----
static [Button] createButton([Area]$par,[string]$text,[string]$size,[string]$locn) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button
$peer.text = $text;
if ($size -eq $null) {
$peer.AutoSize = $true;
} else {
$peer.size = $size
if ($locn -ne "") {
$peer.Location = $locn
$elem = [Button]::new($peer,$par);
#EC1B07 $elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
$peer = $this;
#hlog("clicked $peer");
$elem = $peer.tag;
if ($elem.onClick -ne $null) {
if ($elem.linkDisabled) {return;}
[void](& $elem.onClick $elem)
$elem.name = $text;
return $elem
Clickable link Gizmo
class Link : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
[object] $ctx = $null; # context object for click
[PSMethod] $action; # action handler (has precedence over onClick)
[string] $origBackColor = "Lightgray"; # Original background color (for restore on mouseLeave)
[string] $origForeColor = "Blue"; # Original foreground color (for restore on mouseLeave)
[boolean] $linkDisabled = $false; # true if link disabled (peer does not honour)
#---- constructors ----
TODO - find out what thi does
Link([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$peer.BackColor = $this.origBackColor;
$this.type = 'link'
if ($par -ne $null) {
#---- methods ----
static [Link] createLink([Area]$par,[string]$text) {
return [Link]::createLink($par,$text,"","")
#implementation note: $size and $locn with values not tested.
static [Link] createLink([Area]$par,[string]$text,[string]$size,[string]$locn) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label
$peer.text = $text;
if ($size -ne "") {
$peer.Size = $size;
} else {
$peer.AutoSize = $true;
if ($locn -ne "") {
$peer.Location = $locn;
$elem = [Link]::new($peer,$par);
##$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
$elem = $elem.setName($text).setForeColor("blue");
$peer = $this;
[Link]$elem = $peer.tag;
if (($elem.onClick -ne $null) -and ($elem.action -eq $null)) {
if ($elem.linkDisabled) {return;}
[void](& $elem.onClick $elem)
if ($elem.action -ne $null) {
if ($elem.linkDisabled) {return;}
hlogBoth("link.action $($elem.action.name)");
return $elem
TODO - find out what thi does
[void] eventsEnter() {
if ($this.linkDisabled) {return;}
$this.peer.BackColor = "Cyan";
$this.peer.ForeColor = "Black";
TODO - find out what thi does
[void] eventsLeave() {
if ($this.linkDisabled) {return;}
$this.peer.BackColor = $this.origBackColor;
$this.peer.ForeColor = $this.origForeColor;
TODO - find out what thi does
[Elem]disableLink() {
if ($this.linkDisabled) {return $this;}
$this.linkDisabled = $true;
$this.peer.BackColor = $this.origBackColor;
$this.peer.ForeColor = "gray";
return $this;
TODO - find out what thi does
[Elem]enableLink() {
$this.linkDisabled = $false;
$this.peer.BackColor = $this.origBackColor;
$this.peer.ForeColor = $this.origForeColor;
return $this;
TODO - find out what thi does
[Elem]setLinkText([string]$text) {
$this.peer.text = $text;
return $this;
# intercept color changes for proper disable/enable/enter/leave
TODO - find out what thi does
[Elem]setBackColor ([string]$col) {
$this.peer.backColor = $col;
$this.origBackColor = $col;
return $this;
TODO - find out what thi does
[Elem]setForeColor ([string]$col) {
$this.peer.foreColor = $col;
$this.origForeColor = $col;
return $this;
TODO - find out what thi does
[Elem]setContext([object]$ctx) {
$this.ctx = $ctx;
return $this;
Visible Icon
class Icon : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
#---- constructors ----
Icon([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'label'
#---- methods ----
static [Icon] createIcon([Area]$par,[object]$icon) {
$peer = new-object Windows.Forms.PictureBox
$peer.width = 32;
$peer.height = 32;
$peer.AutoSize = $true
$peer.image = $icon
$elem = [Icon]::new($peer,$par);
#$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
return $elem
Label implementation
class Label : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
#---- constructors ----
Label([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'label'
#---- methods ----
static [Label] createLabel([Area]$par,[string]$text) {
return [Label]::createLabel($par,$text,"");
static [Label] createLabel([Area]$par,[string]$text,[string]$size) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label
$peer.text = $text;
if ($size -eq "") {
$peer.AutoSize = $true;
} else {
$peer.Size = $size;
$elem = [Label]::new($peer,$par);
#$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
$elem = $elem.setName($text);
return $elem
TODO - find out what thi does
[Label]maxWidth([int]$maxW) {
if (!$this.peer.autoSize) {throw "maxWidth requires autoSize"};
$this.peer.MaximumSize = "$maxW,0";
return $this;
Aligns text on the right margin
[Label]alignCenter() {
$this.peer.textAlign = "MiddleCenter";
return $this;
Aligns text on the right margin
[Label]alignRight() {
$this.peer.textAlign = "MiddleRight";
return $this;
Text Input widget implementation
class InputBox : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
#---- constructors ----
InputBox() {}
InputBox([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'inputbox'
#---- methods ----
static [InputBox] createInputBox([Area]$par,[string]$size,[string]$locn,[string]$place) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.TextBox
$peer.text = '';
if ($size -eq "") {
$peer.AutoSize = $true;
} else {
$peer.size = $size
if ($locn -ne "") {
$peer.Location = $locn
$elem = [InputBox]::new($peer,$par);
#$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
if ($place -ne "") {
$elem.place = $place;
$peer = $this;
if (($peer.foreColor -match "gray") -and (!($peer.readonly))) {
$peer.text = "";
$peer.foreColor = "black";
hlog("lost focus $this");
$peer = $this;
if ($peer.Text -eq '') {
$peer.Text = $peer.tag.place
$peer.ForeColor = 'gray'
$peer.Text = $peer.tag.place
$peer.ForeColor = 'gray'
$peer.TabStop = $false;
return $elem
[InputBox]setText ([string]$text) {
return $this;
[void]setTextColor() {
$peer = $this.peer
if ($peer.text -ne '') {
$peer.ForeColor = 'black'
} else {
$peer.ForeColor = 'gray'
TODO - find out what thi does
[boolean]hasText() {
if (("$($this.peer.text)" -eq "$($this.place)") -or ("$($this.peer.text)" -eq "")) {return $false}
return $true;
Aligns text on the right margin
[InputBox]setReadonly() {
$this.peer.ReadOnly = $true;
return $this;
Checkbox Input widget implementation
class CheckBox : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
#---- constructors ----
CheckBox() {}
CheckBox([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'checkbox'
#---- methods ----
static [CheckBox] createCheckBox([Area]$par,[string]$size,[string]$locn,[string]$place) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.CheckBox
$peer.text = $place
if ($size -eq "") {
$peer.AutoSize = $true;
} else {
$peer.size = $size
if ($locn -ne "") {
$peer.Location = $locn
$elem = [CheckBox]::new($peer,$par);
#$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
return $elem
[boolean]isChecked() {
return $this.peer.checked;
Multiple Radio Input widget implementation
Multiple Radio Input widget implementation with grouping to allow only
one to ever be on at one time.
class RadioBoxes : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
#---- constructors ----
TODO - find out what thi does
RadioBoxes() {}
TODO - find out what thi does
EC9C01 - size has third parm, number of lines
RadioBoxes([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'radio'
#---- methods ----
static [RadioBoxes] createRadioBoxes([Area]$par,[string]$size,[string]$locn,[Object[]]$values,[Object[]]$labels,[int]$selected,[string]$group) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.Panel # Use GroupBox if want border
$ix = -1;
$widPos = 0;
$hgt = 0;
$hgtPos = 0;
if ($size -eq "") {
$peer.AutoSize = $true;
} else {
if ($size -match "^(?[0-9]+),(?[0-9]+),(?[0-9]+)$") {
$peer.size = "$($matches.wid),$(($matches.hgt - 0) * ($matches.lines - 0))"
hlog("multiple line match $size $($peer.size)");
$hgt = $($matches.hgt);
} else {
$peer.size = $size
if ($locn -ne "") {
$peer.Location = $locn
$elem = [RadioBoxes]::new($peer,$par);
$elem.peer.AutoSizeMode = "GrowAndShrink";
forEach($value in $values) {
$ix += 1;
$radio = New-Object Windows.Forms.RadioButton
$radio.AutoSize = $true;
$radio.Location = "$widPos,$hgtPos";
if ($ix -eq $selected) {$radio.checked = $true;}
if ($hgt -gt 0) {
$hgtPos += $radio.height;
} else {
$widPos += $radio.width;
$radio.tag = $value;
$radio.text = $labels[$ix]
return $elem
Select widget implementation
Select widget implementation with a current value set by changing the value from
among the choice of values.
class ComboBox : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
[Object[]]$values; #Values assigned to comboBox
#---- constructors ----
TODO - find out what thi does
ComboBox() {}
TODO - find out what thi does
ComboBox([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'combo'
#---- methods ----
Create a combo box
.parm $values returned values or uses $labels if null
The efficient way to return a null $value for a default (normally 0 index) is to change the $combo.values[0] to $null after passing in only the
static [ComboBox] createComboBox([Area]$par,[string]$size,[string]$locn,[Object[]]$values,[Object[]]$labels,[int]$selected) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.ComboBox
if ($size -eq "") {
$peer.AutoSize = $true;
} else {
$peer.size = $size
if ($locn -ne "") {
$peer.Location = $locn
$elem = [ComboBox]::new($peer,$par);
#$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
$ix = -1;
$elem.values = $values
forEach($value in $values) {
$ix += 1;
if ($selected -ne -1) {$peer.SelectedIndex = $selected}
return $elem
[object]getSelectedValue() {
if ($this.peer.selectedIndex -lt 0) {return $null;}
return $this.values[$this.peer.selectedIndex];
Multi-Select widget implementation
Multi-Select widget implementation with a current value set by checking the values from
among the choice of values.
class CheckedListBox : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
[boolean] $checkLock; #avoid check recursion
[Object[]] $values; #Values assigned to CheckedListBox
#---- constructors ----
TODO - find out what thi does
CheckedListBox() {}
TODO - find out what thi does
CheckedListBox([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'multi-combo'
#---- methods ----
static [CheckedListBox] createCheckedListBox([Area]$par,[string]$size,[string]$locn,[Object[]]$values,[Object[]]$labels,[int[]]$selected) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox
$peer.checkOnClick = $true;
if ($size -eq "") {
$peer.AutoSize = $true;
} else {
$peer.size = $size
if ($locn -ne "") {
$peer.Location = $locn
$elem = [CheckedListBox]::new($peer,$par);
##EC1B07$ elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
$ix = -1;
$elem.values = $values
forEach($value in $values) {
$ix += 1;
return $elem
[object[]]getSelectedValues() {
$checked = @();
$nIX = -1;
forEach($item in $this.peer.items) {
$nIX += 1;
if ($this.peer.getItemCheckState($nIX) -eq 1) { # checked, not indeterminate
$checked += $item;
return $checked;
[string]getSelectedValues([string]$sep) {
$sepStr = "";
$out = "";
forEach($val in $this.getSelectedValues()) {
$out += "$($sepStr)$val"
$sepStr = $sep;
return $out;
Textbox widget implementation
Larger, resizable are for input. If a RichTextBox is choses as the peer
other formatting is allowed such as RTF formats.
class TextBox : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
#---- constructors ----
Default constructor
TextBox() {}
Constructor that supplies the @@Peer object, typically a RichText object.
TextBox([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'textarea'
#---- methods ----
static [TextBox] createTextBox([Area]$par,[string]$size,[string]$locn,[boolean]$rich) {
if ($rich) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
} else {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.TextBox
$peer.text = 'text box';
if ($size -eq "") {
$peer.AutoSize = $true;
} else {
$peer.size = $size
if ($locn -ne "") {
$peer.Location = $locn
$elem = [TextBox]::new($peer,$par);
#$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
if ($rich) {
$elem.type = 'richarea'
#$elem.peer.ZoomFactor = 0.5;
return $elem
Add fudge factor for rich text boxes.
[int32]getGizmoWidth() {
$gizmo = $this;
$peer = $gizmo.peer;
$wid = ([Gizmo]$gizmo).getGizmoWidth();
if ($gizmo.type -eq 'richarea') {
hlog("richarea wid $wid");
return $wid - 50;
return $wid;
Add fudge factor for rich text boxes.
[int32]getGizmoHeight() {
$gizmo = $this;
$peer = $gizmo.peer;
$hgt = ([Gizmo]$gizmo).getGizmoHeight();
if ($gizmo.type -eq 'richarea') {
hlog("richarea hgt $hgt");
return $hgt + 50;
return $hgt;
A combination of widgets to produce a logging window.
A logging window that can be cleared and have minimal formatting (such as colors).
Typically used to report major major events (such as Task completion) in a GUI application.
class LogBox : TextBox {
#---- properties ----
#---- constructors ----
TODO - find out what thi does
LogBox([System.Object]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'logbox'
#---- methods ----
static [LogBox]createLogBox([Area]$par,[string]$size) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
$peer.text = 'log box';
$peer.size = "10,10"
$elem = [LogBox]::new($peer,$par);
#$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
return $elem
Provide handling context for a click in a Grid
Stored in a link to act as router and context for a click
class CellMate {
#---- properties ----
[string] $type;
[scriptBlock] $func;
[PSMethod] $meth;
[object] $ctx;
#---- constructors ----
TODO - find out what thi does
CellMate([string]$type,[scriptBlock]$func,[object]$ctx) {
$this.type = $type
$this.func = $func;
$this.ctx = $ctx;
if (($type -eq 'link') -or($type -eq 'rowlink')) {
if ($func -eq $null) {throw "type link/rowlink CellMate requires click function"}
} else {
throw "type $type not supported as CellMate"
TODO - find out what thi does
CellMate([string]$type,[PSMethod]$meth,[object]$ctx) {
$this.type = $type
$this.meth = $meth;
$this.ctx = $ctx;
if (($type -eq 'link') -or($type -eq 'rowlink')) {
if ($meth -eq $null) {throw "type link/rowlink CellMate requires click function"}
} else {
throw "type $type not supported as CellMate"
Implementation of the Windows.Forms.DataGridView
This implementation extends the Windows.Forms.DataGridView implemtation with many formatting and handling functions (methods).
class Grid : Gizmo {
#---- properties ----
[Object] $ctx; # click context
[boolean] $hasClickHandler;
[string] $selRowColor;
[ScriptBlock] $selRowFunc;
[int] $curRowIX = -1;
#---- constructors ----
TODO - find out what thi does
Grid([Windows.Forms.DataGridView]$peer,[Elem]$par) {
$this.type = 'grid'
#--static methods-
static [Grid] createGrid([Area]$par,[string]$size,[string]$locn,[scriptBlock]$formatter,[System.Object]$ctx) {
$peer = New-Object Windows.Forms.DataGridView
if ($size -eq "") {
$peer.AutoSize = $true;
} else {
$peer.size = $size
if ($locn -ne "") {
$peer.Location = $locn
if ($formatter -ne $null) {
$ok = (& $formatter $ctx $peer $par)
if ($ok -eq $null) {return $null}; # formatter wants to discontinue
$elem = [Grid]::new($peer,$par);
#$elem.peer.AutoScaleMode = "Inherit";
if ($ctx -ne $null) {
$elem.ctx = $ctx;
#if ($ctx -as [task] -ne $null) {$elem.task = $ctx;}
return $elem
Calculates the optimal Grid size
Calculates the optimal Grid size by inspecting the row and column counts.
These static methods are used before the dgv is hooked to the Grid class wrapper
static [string]calcGridSize([Windows.Forms.DataGridView]$dgv,[int]$maxRows) {
$rowH = $dgv.rows[0].height;
$rowNum = $dgv.Rows.Count;
$extraW = 0;
if (($rowNum -gt $maxRows) -and ($maxRows -gt 0)) { #EC9B28
$rowNum = $maxRows;
$extraW = 30;
$w = 0;
forEach($col in $dgv.Columns) {
#hlog("col $($col.width) $col");
$w += $col.width;
$h = (($RowH * $rowNum) + 25);
#hlog("dgv size $($dgv.size) new $w $h $dgv");
$size = "$($w + 3 + $extraW),$($h)"
$dgv.MaximumSize = $size;
return $size;
#hlog("dgv.2 size $($dgv.size) new $w $h $dgv");
static [string]calcGridSize([Windows.Forms.DataGridView]$dgv) {
return [Grid]::calcGridSize($dgv,0);
Add a set of column headers
Calculates the optimal Grid size by inspecting the row and column counts.
These static methods are used before the dgv is hooked to the Grid class wrapper
static [void] addCols([Windows.Forms.DataGridView]$dgv,[string]$colStr) {
$cols = $colStr -split ",";
$ix = -1
$dgv.ColumnCount = $cols.count;
forEach($col in $cols) {
$ix += 1;
$parts = $col -split "/";
[int]$w = $parts[1]
$dgv.Columns[$ix].Name = $parts[0];
$dgv.Columns[$ix].Width = $w;
The grid width is more dynamic so we always use the peer size ubnless it ever become $peerW non-zero.
[int32]getGizmoWidth() {
$gizmo = $this;
$peer = $gizmo.peer;
if ($gizmo.peerW -eq 0) {
return $peer.width
} else {
return $gizmo.peerW;
# These are convenience methods for a familiar pattern, 2 cols with ToolHelp on the 2nd col.
TODO - find out what thi does
static [void] addRow([Windows.Forms.DataGridView]$dgv,[System.Object]$col1,[System.Object]$col2) {
TODO - find out what thi does
static [void] addRow([Windows.Forms.DataGridView]$dgv,[System.Object]$col1,[System.Object]$col2,[string]$hint) {
if ($hint -ne $null) {
$row = $dgv.Rows[$dgv.Rows.count - 1];
$row.Cells[1].toolTipText = $hint;
TODO - find out what thi does
static [Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRow] getLastRow([Windows.Forms.DataGridView]$dgv) {
if ($dgv.rows.count -eq 0) {return $null};
return $dgv.Rows[$dgv.Rows.count - 1];
# General purpose populator. Returns row so more dinking can be done.
TODO - find out what thi does
static [Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRow] addRow([Windows.Forms.DataGridView]$dgv,[System.Object[]]$cols) {
$row = $dgv.Rows[$dgv.Rows.count - 1];
$ix = -1;
forEach($v in $cols) {
$ix += 1
if (($ix -gt 0) -and ($ix -lt $dgv.Columns.count)) {
$cell = $row.Cells[$ix];
$cell.value = $cols[$ix];
return $row;
# add hooks to support clickable cells. Those marked with a CellMate type link
# call the registered handler.
TODO - find out what thi does
static [void] addMouseHooks([Windows.Forms.DataGridView]$dgv) {
$evt = $_;
$dgv = $this;
[Grid]$grid = $dgv.tag;
$evt = $_;
$dgv = $this;
[Grid]$grid = $dgv.tag;
$evt = $_;
$dgv = $this;
[Grid]$grid = $dgv.tag;
#---- methods ----
TODO - find out what thi does
[void]cellEnter($ri,$ci) {
#hlog("cellEnter ($ri,$ci)");
$dgv = $this.peer;
$cell = $dgv.rows[$ri].cells[$ci];
if ($cell.tag -as [CellMate] -ne $null) {
[CellMate]$cm = $cell.tag;
if ($cm.type -eq 'link') {
$cell.style.foreColor = 'black';
$cell.style.backColor = 'cyan';
TODO - find out what thi does
[void]cellLeave($ri,$ci) {
#hlog("cellLeave ($ri,$ci)");
$dgv = $this.peer;
$cell = $dgv.rows[$ri].cells[$ci];
if ($cell.tag -as [CellMate] -ne $null) {
[CellMate]$cm = $cell.tag;
if ($cm.type -eq 'link') {
$cell.style.foreColor = 'blue';
$cell.style.backColor = 'white';
TODO - find out what thi does
[void]cellClick($ri,$ci) {
$dgv = $this.peer;
$grid = $dgv.tag;
$cell = $dgv.rows[$ri].cells[$ci];
$row = $dgv.rows[$ri];
hlog("cellClick ($ri,$ci) $($grid.curRowIX) $($grid.selRowColor)");
if (("$($grid.selRowColor)" -ne "") -and ($($grid.curRowIX) -ne -1)) {
$rowPrev = $dgv.rows[$grid.curRowIX];
$rowPrev.defaultcellstyle.backcolor = "white";
$grid.curRowIX = $ri;
if ("$($grid.selRowColor)" -ne "") {
$row.defaultcellstyle.backcolor = $grid.selRowColor;
if ($grid.selRowFunc -ne $null) {
[void](& $grid.selRowFunc $grid $ri);
if ($cell.tag -as [CellMate] -ne $null) {
[CellMate]$cm = $cell.tag;
if (($cm.type -eq 'link') -and ($cm.func -ne $null)) {
[void](& $cm.func $cell $cm);
if (($cm.type -eq 'link') -and ($cm.meth -ne $null)) {
#[void](& $cm.func $cell $cm);
hlog("invoke cellMate method");
if ($row.tag -as [CellMate] -ne $null) {
[CellMate]$cm = $row.tag;
if ($cm.type -eq 'rowlink') {
[void](& $cm.func $row $cm);
Sets a mode where rows are focused, not cells using the supplied background color
Requires that we set the clearSelection just prior to row painting.
[Grid]focusRow([string]$bg,[ScriptBlock]$func) {
$dgv = $this.peer;
$this.selRowColor = $bg;
$this.selRowFunc = $func;
$dgv = $this;
#hlog("RowPrePaint $dgv");
if ($dgv.CurrentCell -ne $null) {
return $this;
Programatically sets a row as focused
Assumed focusRow is enabled
using $rownum = -1 will turn of focused rows
[void]setRowAsFocused([int]$rownum) {
$grid = $this;
$dgv = $grid.peer;
if (("$($grid.selRowColor)" -ne "") -and ($($grid.curRowIX) -ne -1)) {
$rowPrev = $dgv.rows[$grid.curRowIX];
$rowPrev.defaultcellstyle.backcolor = "white";
$grid.curRowIX = $rownum;
if (("$($grid.selRowColor)" -ne "") -and ($($grid.curRowIX) -ne -1)) {
$row = $dgv.rows[$rownum];
$row.defaultcellstyle.backcolor = $this.selRowColor;
# ------------------------ Standard Contructs ------------------
function emitTrouble([Form]$form,[string]$msg,[string]$title) {
if ($title -eq "") {$title = "Trouble: Unable to continue with request"}
$dlg = [Dialog]::createDialog($form,800,300,"bng",$title,$true)
#$dlg.BackColor( = rgb 250 243 251
$dlg.peer.MaximizeBox = $false
$dlg.peer.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedDialog'
$lab = ([Label]::createLabel($dlg,"$msg")).foreColor('flag')
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