# demo-options
#using module h:\psec\flows\run-gael\setup-run-gael.psm1;
#using module h:\psec\lib\lib-setup-run-gael.psm1;
set-strictmode -version 2.0
function defineFlowTask([Flow]$flow,[Task]$task) {
#--- define
$def = new-module -asCustomObject -scriptBlock {
function getTaskDesc([Task]$task) {
[string]$desc = @"
This illustrates how to manage the global workflow context for subsequent tasks.
return $desc;
.example set context with `cycleNo` and `month`
.exkeys context
prime the script when initially loaded. As a convenience the brief file is parsed and passed in.
the existance of this method signals this is a context task. The method is called when the
task is initally loaded.
This runs after the *params* function
function primeContextTask([Task]$task, [hashtable]$brief) {
$tfs = $task.tfs;
$tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.cycleNo = 0;
if (exists $brief cycleNo) {
$tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.cycleNo = $brief.cycleNo / 1;
if (exists $brief month) {
$tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.month = $brief.month;
hlogBoth("Running primeContextTask $($task.name) $($tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.month) $($tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.cycleNo) $($brief.cycleNo)")
.example set parameters with current date
.exkeys context
The $htOpts parms has the processed options. It can be modified or used to do
other changes to the setup.
The *brief* variable is set so that the *primeContextTask* has access to it.
function params {
$tfs = $task.tfs;
$date = Get-Date
[string]$dateStr = $date.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
$htOpts.datestr = $dateStr;
$htOpts.brief = "$($task.statlocn)"
return $htOpts
.example set options with `month` and starting `cycleNo`
.exkeys context
The $htOpts is preloaded with prior values. This is used to
change and save them.
This runs before the *params* function and the values set here are passed to it.
function options {
$opts = @();
$tfs = $task.tfs;
$opts += @{type='input'; parm="cycleNo"; label='CycleNo'; place='cycloNo'; readonly=$true}
$opts += @{type='combo'; parm='month'; label='Month'; valset='jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec'}
hlogBoth("fetch.options $($tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.month) $($tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.cycleNo)")
return ,$opts
.example run context script
.exkeys context
This function runs when the *Run Task* button is activated.
Since the *Brief* file is created it serves to persist them if the Workflow is restarted.
This example increases the `cycleNo` whenever the *runScript* function is run.
function runScript([Task]$task, [hashtable]$parms, [hashtable]$status) {
$tfs = $task.tfs;
$status.month = $tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.month = $parms.month;
$status.cycleNo = $tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.cycleNo = $tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.cycleNo + 1;
hlogBoth("Running script $($task.name) $($tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.month) $($tfs.globMap.demoGlobs.cycleNo)")
Export-ModuleMember -Variable * -Function *
hlog("defineFlowTask $flow $task")
return $def;
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