rocket library

The rocket portion of the app provides an framework with which to host the rocket-lib library.

Typically many of these classes and methods would be private. They are kept public here so that the code can be documented.

Names are very important in Flutter applications and can be used to find dependent parts of application code using the tools provided with Android Studio (and presumably with Visual Studio).

During development we use log statements to record useful data and to ascertain timing and sequencing of events. We use the log statement wrapped in an assert statement so that the log statement and literal values disappear in production mode.

The dart literal interpolation is a major help in doing the logging.


Standard MyApp widget for a Flutter app [...]
Standard MyHomePage stateful widget for a Flutter app [...]


cupertinoTheme → CupertinoThemeData
The default Theme setup for Cupertino mode.
materialThemeData → ThemeData
The default Theme setup for Material mode.


main() → void
Standard entry point to Flutter app