addAction method

SamAction addAction (
  1. Object smAction,
  2. ActionFunc func

Add an action mapping it from the action code to the handler.

Assert validation is performed to ensure it is valid.

Dart will ensure func is of type ActionFunc.


SamAction addAction(Object smAction,ActionFunc func) {
    ((sf.enumTypes.length > 0) && ((sf.enumTypes.firstWhere((_) => (smAction.runtimeType == _),orElse:(() => null))) != null)) ||
    (smAction.runtimeType == SE.sa_change.runtimeType)
    ,"invalid action type ${smAction.runtimeType} value $smAction");
  assert(!(smAction is String));
  assert(!fnMap.containsKey("$smAction"),"$smAction already defined in action mapping table");
  //log("addAction $smAction type ${smAction.runtimeType} ${m.enums.runtimeType} ${(m.enums as List)[0].runtimeType}");
  fnMap["$smAction"] = func;
  return this;