samwig library

The samwig library contains the classes and methods that build the widgets that interface with the samcas library.

The supplied widgets adapt based on the host platform and rely on PlatformProvider being at the root of the widget tree.

Note that it is not mandatory to use these, you can write your own as as long as the following protocols are adopted. Namely:

  1. Do not update SamModel directly. Instead, call SamModel.present with a proposal for a change using SE.sa_change or some action you may write.
  2. The WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback callback is often useful to do post render processing.


This class creates a utility Logger widget. [...]
Report size of widget tree. [...]
Used to build a RichText paragraph as a widget. [...]


buildBrokenMsg(BuildContext context, SamModel sm, String brokenMsg) Widget
Builds a broken message alert when a SamModel renders and is broken. [...]
button(SamModel sm, {Object action, String label}) Widget
Return a basic button widget adapted to the host platform. [...]
fancyButton(SamModel sm, {double width: 140, Object action, String label, double height}) Widget
Return a decorated button widget adapted to the host platform. [...]
genPlatformPicker(SamModel sm, String sym, String valStr, {Object value, String label}) Widget
Returns a DropDown or Picker widget based on the host platform. [...]
genSwitch(SamModel sm, String sym, Object label, {bool defValue: false, CheckFunc changeExec}) Widget
Return an on/off switch widget [...]
getChoiceValue<T>(BuildContext context, {String title, List<String> labels, List<T> values}) Future<T>
Return a choice of one value out of a given list. [...]
inputBox(SamModel sm, {String sym, String label, double width: 200, double height: 50, String hint, FocusFunc onFocus}) Widget
Return an TextField widget according to the host platform. [...]
log(String msg) bool
A logging function used during development. [...]
row(Widget w) Row
Return a singleton widget w into a Row list [...]
text(String text, {double fontSize, FontWeight fontWeight}) Widget
Return a Text widget populated with text optionally formatted with a fontSize and fontWeight [...]


MeasureSizeCallback(Size size) → void
Callback used by MeasuredSize